It is no longer considered healthy to be stable and constant. Now health is associated with being flexible and adaptable. We can act differently depending on which online sphere we are in. Home pages on the web are related to our "home" identity. Virtual persona's can allow people to express a part of their identity that is otherwise hidden. These online personae are causing traditional singular notions of identity to be reconsidered. A flexible self allows for an understanding of diversity.
Rushkoff summarizes how he saw the internet rise from the beginning, to a domain of businessmen. For-profit interests have pushed the internet along.  He believes the web has become just another place to do business. He doesn't think that the internet is the direct marketing promised land.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why doesn't Rushkoff think the Web is a great marketing tool?
2. What caused the change from a unitary identity to multiple?
Info about Multiple Personality Disorder

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