In the earlier days the internet wasn't used for business, it was used to connect computers together to share information, but it also connected people. Most of the programs we use today are based on freeware. Rushkoff believes in 2000 that the "real internet" was overshadowed by businesses and revenue seeking ventures. He doesn't think that is what the internet was designed for. It seems he views business and marketing on the internet as evil and conversation,free knowledge, and free sharing as good. He stressed the Internets ability to empower people.
Content is not what matters, contact is. Content is the social currency for social interactions. Content is just an excuse for people to get together and interact.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is Rushkoff so emphatic about the internet being used for its original purpose? Whats wrong with change?
2. Do you agree with Rushkoff that content doesnt matter?
Rushkoff's website
Rushkoff speaking at Web 2.0 Expo in 2009

It is no longer considered healthy to be stable and constant. Now health is associated with being flexible and adaptable. We can act differently depending on which online sphere we are in. Home pages on the web are related to our "home" identity. Virtual persona's can allow people to express a part of their identity that is otherwise hidden. These online personae are causing traditional singular notions of identity to be reconsidered. A flexible self allows for an understanding of diversity.
Rushkoff summarizes how he saw the internet rise from the beginning, to a domain of businessmen. For-profit interests have pushed the internet along.  He believes the web has become just another place to do business. He doesn't think that the internet is the direct marketing promised land.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why doesn't Rushkoff think the Web is a great marketing tool?
2. What caused the change from a unitary identity to multiple?
Info about Multiple Personality Disorder
Convergence culture is where old and new media collide. The whole book is about the relationship between media convergence, participatory culture, and collective intelligence. The author describes convergence as, " the flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries, and the migratory behavior of media audiences who will go almost anywhere in search of the kinds of entertainment experiences they want". Consumption has become a collective process, each of knows something and we put the pieces together. New media is becoming more interactive. Old media doesn't necessarily die, just the tools used to access it, also called delivery technologies. Convergence is altering the relationship between technologies, people, and the way we consume media. Throughout the book the author will focus on competing ideas about participation that are shaping our new media culture.
Discussion Questions:
1. What are some ways in which media companies are rethinking what it means to consume media?
2. Why is it important to understand convergence? Can we predict where things are heading?
Global Yellow Arrow site talked about in the Intro
Henry Jenkin's Blog

Media ecology consists of home environment, family institutions, rules, and other factors. This makes up someones social and cultural context for learning. Young people are growing up in a media ecology where networked and digital media are taking a main role. The three types of participation are labeled "hanging out," "messing around," and "geeking out". These genres describe levels of investment in new media activities which incorporates an understanding of cultural, social, and technical patterns. Many times people build multiple different media identities that depend on context. Now young people are watching tv on youtube and one video takes them to the next. There can be multiple activities going on at the same time while young people hang out together.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why do many parents view hanging out as a waste of time especially when it involves new media?
2. How is the way we hang out evolving?
Social networking redefining everyday communication
Having Facebook up while studying can lower grades

Bustillos believes Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia in English. Now people are complaining about Wikipedia less and realizing it is a useful tool for leading us towards more information. There are a number of different defenses against edit wars and false edits. There are 3 main advantages Wikipedia has: 1. More comprehensive citations and bibliographies. 2. Immediate reaction to new information. 3. The ability to look at controversy regarding a subject. McLuhan saw and predicted how the computer would change communication before it happened. He didn't want to push one point of view but expose people to many ways of thinking. Wikipedia and other crowd-sourced resources is disrupting the traditional view of authority and authorship. Bustillos is a big believer in collective knowledge. Instead of Wikipedia being the authority, Bustillos sees it as a resource for understanding and to make our own choices from the knowledge it provides. Wikipedia is changing the way we learn, understand, and challenge authority.
Discussion Questions:
1.Does Wikipedia provide us with unbiased information to make our own decision? or do we go to it as the authority?
2. Is collective knowledge better (more complete/precise) than an article by an expert?
Digital Maoism
Review of Mcluhan's Biography "The Medium and the Messenger"
Wikipedia's Bord of Trustees
The way that our generation (Digital Natives) and older generations (Digital Immigrants) learn is different. Our brains work differently because we grew up with different experiences. Teachers need to learn how to communicate in the language of their students. Today's students learn better in parallel than step by step. Students can learn things better and faster if it is presented to them in a more appealing way. Our brain is constantly reorganizing itself and changing. People that grow up in different cultures actually think differently. We don't have shorter attention spans, they are just shorter for the old ways of learning. Skills that new technologies have enhanced are often ignored by educators. Learning games should be real games with real content.
Discussion Questions:
1. How can Digital Immigrants effectively teach Digital Natives in their own language if Digital Immigrants' brains work so differently ?
2.Should students conform to educators way of teaching? or should educators conform to students way of learning?
Multitasking statistics of kids
Education video games effective if certain criteria are met
Preschoolers playing educational games

Kevin Kelly, Wired magazine co-founder is being interviewed by Beaty from Christianity Today. Kelly describes technium as all things created by humans since the beginning. He believes that God is reflected in the progression of technium. The fact that we can create things beyond ourselves is part of the image of God in us. Kelly believes there is more good accumulating in the world than there is evil and the world is becoming a better place. He wants to limit his use of technology to those that will help him express love and reflect God. He wants to increase everything that help people use and discover their talents. His beliefs can be summarized by the Nicene Creed. Kelly is also working on a Catechism for robots so that they will have moral guidance.
1.  What are some technologies that do not help us express love and reflect God?
2. What technologies have helped you discover your talents?
For more readings on Technology
Japanese scientist creates "thinking" robot

Internet, video games, and portable devices has allowed media to become interactive.Ray Tomlinson is credited with the invention of email in 1971 and his invention caught on quickly. Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web and introduced HTML in 1990.No one owns the internet and anyone can provide information on it. Browsers, ISP's, and search engines helped refine the internet. The internet allowed for easy communication and buying and selling of products. The internet allowed voice, music, radio, file sharing, and videos to be available online. Early video games were very simple but soon branched out onto a variety of different systems and genres. While internet and gaming grew the two began to combine and games became playable online against other players from all over the world. WoW has over 11 million people playing world wide. Copyright violations, spam, identity theft, and predators continue to be problems that come with the internet.
1.What do you think the future of the internet/gaming will look like?
2.Should the government regulate the internet?
Online gaming revenue
Online Radio