Bustillos believes Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia in English. Now people are complaining about Wikipedia less and realizing it is a useful tool for leading us towards more information. There are a number of different defenses against edit wars and false edits. There are 3 main advantages Wikipedia has: 1. More comprehensive citations and bibliographies. 2. Immediate reaction to new information. 3. The ability to look at controversy regarding a subject. McLuhan saw and predicted how the computer would change communication before it happened. He didn't want to push one point of view but expose people to many ways of thinking. Wikipedia and other crowd-sourced resources is disrupting the traditional view of authority and authorship. Bustillos is a big believer in collective knowledge. Instead of Wikipedia being the authority, Bustillos sees it as a resource for understanding and to make our own choices from the knowledge it provides. Wikipedia is changing the way we learn, understand, and challenge authority.
Discussion Questions:
1.Does Wikipedia provide us with unbiased information to make our own decision? or do we go to it as the authority?
2. Is collective knowledge better (more complete/precise) than an article by an expert?
Digital Maoism
Review of Mcluhan's Biography "The Medium and the Messenger"
Wikipedia's Bord of Trustees

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