Today, Social networking sites are essentially portraits of ourselves. Although they are only in their beginning stages they have changed our culture dramatically. Social networking sites have developed and evolved from The WELL, to, to Friendster, to Myspace, to Facebook. These sites can be used for people who want your attention such as marketers and politicians. The world is getting smaller because social links decrease the degrees of separation. Online communities offer new etiquette challenges such as inappropriate posts or "defriending". New social norms and rules are replacing old ones. Social networking sites also change the notion of privacy. You can often find someones class schedule, address, contact information, and other personal information on these sites. Employers often check them before hiring a candidate.
Discussion Questions:
1. The author says: "no one who lists thousands of "friends" on MySpace thinks of those people the same way as he does his flesh-and-blood acquaintances". Is this true for Facebook? I know some people will only be friends on Facebook with people they know in real life.
2. Do you find virtual friendship and interaction to be more reliable than real life?
Launch dates of Major Social Networking sites
Social networking site life cycles

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