Intimacy has changed due to the advances of media. Teens have developed new ways to use new media for dating and other romantic pursuits. Traditional dating practices are on the decline. Texting is often done all throughout the day to keep tabs when you are not with a person and even used to get to know somebody. Peoples relationships can be very public like the one Ito talks about on Myspace. Facebook often cues others in to relationships and people know if it's serious/real or not by whether it is "Facebook Official". People even show their affection through social media and texting. I personally do not like to display these types of behaviors because I feel a personal relationship should be kept personal.
Discussion questions:
1. Does new media have a positive or negative effect on personal relationships?
2. Is intimacy expressed on social media less genuine?
Do displays of affection on social media reflect a happy relationship
Social media killing personal relationships

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