Jackson talks about multitasking and cognitive switching in this chapter. With all the technology around us we are doing a lot more than just one thing at a time. I often watch TV while doing some homework or have Facebook up while reading. Jackson gives the example of molly and how she acts when then tv is on while doing other things. With some phone companies you can surf the web on your cell while in the middle of a call in order to schedule a reservation or settle an argument. We often enjoy being distracted and interrupted to satisfy our attention spans and need for entertainment. Multitasking often leads to more shallow engagement in each activity in which they are participating.
Discussion Questions:
1. More people are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD is this due to better detection methods or new media causing these problems?
2. When is multitasking beneficial and when is it harmful?
cognitive costs of multitasking
multitasking's effect on productivity
multitasking could be bad for your brain

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