Tom Bissell wrote over 4500 pages from 2001 to 2006 but now spends his entire day playing video games. He has moved to several different locations around the world to try to free himself from the addiction but they have been unsuccessful. Vice city was his first addicting game and it also had influenced crime sprees by some of its users. He enjoyed the fact that you could do anything you wanted in the game and time didn't matter. His first real experience with coke made him feel an intense focus and they played GTA for 30 hours straight. The game turns things into an active experience and gave Bissell something that nothing else could. He explains how cocaine and video games dont have an edge, you have to appreciate them.
Discussion Questions:
1. Should games like GTA be responsible for crime sprees?
2. If violent video games are brought to court should violent movies also be?
A website discussiong the pro's and con's of violent video games
An article by the American Psycological Association(APA) about violent video game myths, facts, and questions

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